Summary of sightings:
Marine mammals
Grey Seal Seabirds
Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Guillemot, Shag, Gannet, Manx Shearwater, Oystercatcher, Fulmar
Other wildlife
Linnet, Wheatear, Soay Sheep, Little Egret
It was a grey, overcast morning arriving in Bideford but I was greeted at the shore office by lots of keen passengers looking forward to the day’s crossing. Boarding was smooth and once the staying passenger’s luggage was loaded, we headed out to begin our journey to Lundy.
As the Oldenburg travelled down the river, we passed a small group of Little Egret roosting in their usual riverbank tree. Moving out into the estuary we began passing large groups of Manx Shearwater and had a glimpse of a diving Gannet, although no fins were spotted amongst this. The rest of the outward crossing was peppered with sightings of Manx Shearwater and the occasional Guillemot.
After arriving on Lundy, greeted by the Grey Seal and Oystercatcher, I headed straight for Jenny’s Cove where I ate my lunch and chatted with a few of the day visitors. No Puffins were sighted in the sea below their nesting cliff, but we had good sightings of Fulmar and various gull species.
The return crossing was similar to the outbound journey, with consistent sightings of Manx Shearwater (including a large rafting group of 50+ individuals) and Gannet.
I thanked Jason and the crew for a lovely day before disembarking and heading home.
MARINElife/Lundy WLO: Megan Strachan