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From our WLO: Ilfracombe-Lundy 24 September

Summary of sightings:

Marine mammals

Grey Seal


Manx Shearwater


Kittiwake (juv.)

Gannet (adult and I4)

Gull sp. various

Arriving in Ilfracombe the weather looked good; however, sea conditions were rather choppy. Whilst waiting to board, I met with Lundy Ambassador Tony and chatted about our previous crossings.

Departing Ilfracombe (Megan Strachan)

The outward journey was relatively quiet, with sporadic sightings of Manx Shearwater, Guillemot, and Gannet. I made my way around the decks talking to passengers and sharing advice on how best to observe the seals now that there are seal pups present on the island. It was a bumpy crossing, but we made good time, arriving on Lundy just before 12pm.

Lundy (Megan Strachan)

The usual group of Grey Seal were hauled out on the rocks as the Oldenburg moored up, giving passengers a great view. I looked out for the young pup seen on last week's WLO trip, but it was not visible, so I hoped it was tucked away somewhere sheltering from the rougher seas.

Our return journey was much the same as the outward, with the weather closing in as we neared Ilfracombe and the sea conditions remaining moderate. Sightings consisted of a couple of passing Gannet, including an I4 sub-adult, Manx Shearwater, and Kittiwake, and we also passed a good number of Guillemot resting on the surface in their winter plumage.

Showers over the Bristol Channel (Megan Strachan)

We moored in Ilfracombe as the rain set in. I handed my hi-viz to Captain Jason and thanked him for a great crossing, and said my goodbyes to Rob, Caroline and the rest of the crew and made my onward journey home.

MARINElife/Lundy WLO: Megan Strachan

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