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Newhaven-Dieppe survey 9 April DFDS 'Seven Sisters'

Summary of sightings


Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus 2

Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis 6

Gannet Morus bassanus 294

Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus 2

Guillemot Uria aalge 19

Herring Gull Larus argentatus 3

Razorbill Alca torda 8

Auk sp. 8

Gull sp. 316

Skua sp. 1

Tern sp. 1

We arrived at a busy Newhaven port ready for the survey. We were both looking forward to what would be the first survey for both of us since the extended break.

We boarded and were, in due course, warmly welcomed up on to the bridge to begin our survey. The calm weather made surveying a pleasure and soon the familiar shape of Gannets was regularly appearing. They kept us busy during the crossing as well as a large group of 300+ gulls circling a fishing boat and diving into the water around it. As we neared Dieppe, we saw a range of gull species as well as Razorbills and other auks.

Gannet (Library photo: Peter Howlett)

After a short stop in Dieppe, we boarded again and returned to the bridge once we had left the port. The return trip was quiet but, with many birds resting on the water at this time of day, we were able to get clear views of the species we did see. Joining the large number of Gannets were more auks as well as a Fulmar and a skua, which unfortunately was too distant to identify.

As the sunset and light levels made it difficult to continue surveying, we thanked the captain and left the bridge for the remainder of the crossing. Our thanks go to the staff and crew of the Seven Sisters who made this a very enjoyable crossing.

Mandy Bright and Hazel Munt, Research Surveyors for MARINElife (Registered Charity No. 1110884; Registered Company No. 5057367)

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